Tutoring Experiences

Adult Education

Delivering Personalized Live

More than just tutoring

We offer unique Summer Programs, Exam Services, Online Learning and more!

An individualized learning approach that includes personalized learning plans tailored to the learners needs and goals. Offered online or in-person in a one-on-one format.

At A&D Tutoring, we understand the pressures of adult education and are here to help. Personal and professional development is the goal for our adult learning programs, as we strive to see all our learners flourish academic and career wise.

A&D Tutoring provides the facilities necessary to proctor a wide variety of written examinations. From high school examinations, post-secondary examinations, to government examinations.

Why Choose Us

We aim for all our learners to feel understood, accomplished, and most of all successful. Academic and career journeys can be overwhelming sometimes which is why we are here!

Our Team

Our staff collectively has over 200 years of experience in teaching students between the ages of 5-70 and hold degrees from some of the best universities in Canada, including the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, the University of New Brunswic


At A&D Tutoring, we understand that every learner is different which is why we utilize an individualized study approach that offers unique learning experiences and involves creating customized learning plans that are tailored to the specific needs of the

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